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Company I, 13th Virginia Infantry Regiment

In Hampshire County, before the commencement of the war, there were two organized and uniformed companies of infantry; one known as the Frontier Riflemen (later Co. I of 13th Virginia), of which Robert White, afterward colonel of the Twenty-third Virginia Cavalry, was captain, Elias L. Irvin first lieutenant, Job N. Cookus second lieutenant, and Daniel T. Kellar third lieutenant; and the other the Hampshire Guards, John B. Sherrard captain, D. W. Entler first lieutenant, and Felix D. Heiskell second lieutenant. The first-named company had about 96 men, and the last about 80. In May, 1861, both of these companies were ordered by the Governor of Virginia to report to Col. T. J. [later Stonewall] Jackson, then commanding at Harper's Ferry.

Company I, 13th Virginia Infantry Regiment

Today, the 13th Virginia Infantry Regiment fights on, paying honor and respect to those who fought under her gallantly waving colors. From living history, to battle re-enactments the 13th Virginia takes the field today to preserve the historic record of the War of the Rebellion and to help educate those who come to witness what we do. The re-activated 13th Virginia Infantry Regiment is popular among re-enactors and several companies of this MIGHTY Regiment "re-activated". 

Company I, 13th Virginia Infantry Regiment is a family oriented unit.  Mainly based in South -Central Pennsylvania it also includes members from West Virgina, Virginia, and Maryland.  The Company has approximately 45 members; men, women and children.

We participate in small events (living history) as well as in larger events (reenactments). Our main goals are to portray the common soldier and civilian, have fun, and enjoy each others company in the field and around the campfire.

The company welcomes families - soldiers, ladies, and children members enjoy a very friendly, safe, and rewarding camp life.  We consider all members as a huge extended family. We believe that our wonderful hobby - just like the fascinating period of history which it recreates - belongs to everyone.

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